Script Writer: Chris C.***Artist: Alvin D.***Web Designer(s): Alvin/Chris

For more information check out Chris's Hallusination Comics site

1692-Wickenville, Massachusetts

Many innocent women and men were wrongfully accused of certain acts relating to witchcraft and devil worshipping. The law states that everyone accused of practicing witchcraft and other acts of evil, will be hanged or tortured to death.

Eleanor Crane was one of the women that was executed at the time. She was proven to be wrongfully accused decades later. Her life has become an important part of history that will forever be unforgotten as it lives on from generation to generation. If it weren't for her execution, Eleanor would have had the chance to see her grandchild who is now 21 years old.

Eleanor: "Liz, take this with you. Always keep it with you, for it will keep you safe, and you do not need to be afraid anymore."

This is Christian Lox: He was locked up in the dungeon where Thomas Boghart lives. The metal mask that he has on was put on him in order for him to not be able to see or speak. It is designed for him to only hear and breath. But he is able to see a little from the cracks by his eye that were made when he was banging his head on the wall of the dungeon.

A wealthy man by the name of Thomas Boghart, known as a famous pianoist that owned the mansion "Sir William Humpry Asylum" in Wickenville. In the mansion, was a theater where he would invite special guests to watch him and his students to rehearse. He chose to pick out certain teenagers to be his students. These were insane teenagers that he believed he can change their lives and show the people of the town their talents. One day, Thomas had his butler go to the town and hand out an invitation the special guests to his cherity event. One of the main guests that he corardly invited was also a wealthy man. His name was Christian Lox. Christian Lox, 24, a handsome young architect, that was deeply in love with a lady by the name of Isabelle. Both of them were invited to the cherity event that was to be held on the 31st of October that year.

Christian Lox, 24, a handsome young architect, that was deeply in love with a lady by the name of Isabelle. Both of them were invited to the cherity event that was to be held on the 31st of October that year.

The Fountain of Heaven Below is one o the main attractions in the Sir Thomas Boghart Asylum courtyard.
200 years later, a cult that calls themselves "Dobes--believers of 'The Book of Natas'" walk to the site where the Sir Thomas Boghart Asylum burnt down. They form a circle around the leader as he reads the book.
Ashes on the mansion floor turns into bones. Then, bones begin to form flesh. Liz drives past the mansion site, and she begins to have flashbacks.

She gets flashbacks of when her mom was being taken away to be executed.

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